rsync 中断后再次同步不一致技术
前一阵子发现了这个问题,同步完成后文件大小一致,但是指纹不同,导致文件其实是错误被损坏的状态,这也让我重新认识了 rsync,可能其内部机制导致它只能保证本次同步的正确性或者它根本就不保证数据一致!
-c 或者 --cc=md5
--checksum-choice=STR, --cc=STR This option overrides the checksum algorithms. If one algorithm name is specified, it is used for both the transfer checksums and (assuming --checksum is specified) the pre-transfer checksums. If two comma-separated names are supplied, the first name affects the transfer checksums, and the second name affects the pre-transfer checksums (-c). The checksum options that you may be able to use are: auto (the default automatic choice) xxh128 xxh3 xxh64 (aka xxhash) md5 md4 none
我后来以为是这个问题,加了 -c 参数仍然是不行!
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