Windows 远程关闭防火墙技术

maybe yes 发表于 2023-06-24 11:01



比如苹果手机的,每次连接 WIFI 网络的 MAC 地址都不一样,导致每次查看路由器都会出现陌生的设备。

比如 Windows 的防火墙,XP 时代应该没有影响,后来不知道什么时候开始,强制开启了。

比如 Chrome 浏览器,总是莫名其妙的提醒用户,"您要访问的是诈骗网站 x.x.x.x 上的攻击者可能会诱骗您做一些危险的事情,例如安装软件或泄露您的个人信息(如密码、电话号码或信用卡信息)。了解详情" 或者是 钓鱼网站 等等。


C:\Users\lin>netsh firewall show state

Firewall status:
Profile                           = Standard
Operational mode                  = Enable
Exception mode                    = Enable
Multicast/broadcast response mode = Enable
Notification mode                 = Enable
Group policy version              = Windows Defender Firewall
Remote admin mode                 = Disable

Ports currently open on all network interfaces:
Port   Protocol  Version  Program
No ports are currently open on all network interfaces.

IMPORTANT: Command executed successfully.
However, "netsh firewall" is deprecated;
use "netsh advfirewall firewall" instead.
For more information on using "netsh advfirewall firewall" commands
instead of "netsh firewall", see KB article 947709
at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=121488 .

执行之后再看,Operational mode 已经显示 Disable 了。

C:\Users\lin>netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable

IMPORTANT: Command executed successfully.
However, "netsh firewall" is deprecated;
use "netsh advfirewall firewall" instead.
For more information on using "netsh advfirewall firewall" commands
instead of "netsh firewall", see KB article 947709
at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=121488 .


C:\Users\lin>netsh firewall show state              

Firewall status:
Profile                           = Standard
Operational mode                  = Disable
Exception mode                    = Enable
Multicast/broadcast response mode = Enable
Notification mode                 = Enable
Group policy version              = Windows Defender Firewall
Remote admin mode                 = Disable

Ports currently open on all network interfaces:
Port   Protocol  Version  Program
No ports are currently open on all network interfaces.

IMPORTANT: Command executed successfully.
However, "netsh firewall" is deprecated;
use "netsh advfirewall firewall" instead.
For more information on using "netsh advfirewall firewall" commands
instead of "netsh firewall", see KB article 947709
at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=121488 .

只能说,幸好开启了 SSH 服务端,并且 SSH 服务端不受 firewall 的管辖,可见 Windows 的软件管理之混乱。比如你要关闭 Windows 的自动重启功能,你会发现,这他妈 UI 设计的,一层又一层,风格都完全不一样了。

2025-02-28 20:07:48 1740744468 0.017395