cf proxy 301 too many times技术

maybe yes 发表于 2024-08-17 14:38

这次配置,只配置了一个二级,结果测试不行,我还以为必须根 proxy 才可以,后来全部 proxy,出现了一直重定向的问题。


除了缓存,代理,等等的问题,后来才发现,我忘记设置了 SSL/TLS 了,默认 Flexible,改为 Full (strict)。基本上就都好了,剩下一个是代理缓存的问题,重启了浏览器就都好了。


Choose how Cloudflare encrypts traffic between your visitors and Cloudflare, and between Cloudflare and your origin server, to prevent data theft and other tampering.

SSL/TLS documentation
Advanced Certificate Manager
Unlock more control and flexibility for your Certificates and SSL/TLS settings


Your SSL/TLS encryption mode is Full (strict)
This setting was last changed 17 minutes ago
Origin Server

Off (not secure)

No encryption applied. Turning off SSL disables HTTPS and causes browsers to show a warning that your website is not secure.

Enable encryption only between your visitors and Cloudflare. This avoids browser security warnings, but all connections between Cloudflare and your origin are made through HTTP.

Enable encryption end-to-end. Use this mode when your origin server supports SSL certification but does not use a valid, publicly trusted certificate.

Full (strict)
(Recommended mode) Enable encryption end-to-end and enforce validation on origin certificates. Use Cloudflare’s Origin CA to generate certificates for your origin.

上面的设置 Overview 和下面的 Origin Server 里面的设置,其实挺有歧义的。

Authenticated Origin Pulls
TLS client certificate presented for authentication on origin pull.
Configure expiration notification for your certificates here.

This setting was last changed 3 hours ago

按道理,设置了 Authenticated Origin Pulls,TLS 的 Flexible 含义就是不合理的。

最后发现,Chrome 的清理缓存强制刷新操作,竟然是在刷新圆箭头的地方右击,出现一个选项卡进行的,这个右击操作还不是永远的可以用的,这个设计真是奇葩了。

2025-01-25 14:42:28 1737787348 0.016797