
ogram is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any lat...

代码分享解决Laravel中MySQL WhereIn之too many placeholders

MySQL 执行的时候 WhereIn 太多的 ID 参数,导致 PDO 报错。解决方法,分批量执行,然后将结果合并。 下面以 range 函数做了一个简单的例子,计算 1 到 100 的加法。 public function cu(){ $arr = range(1, 100); $cl = function ($part_ids) { return array_sum($part_ids); }; $r...


件也不一定是好事。顺便评价下 Laravel,传说中的 Artisan,我感觉用起来很不舒畅,错误日志不打印日期,不打印哪里出错,叫人怎么调试。 sort 方法 和 values 方法内部实现代码: public function sort(Closure $callback) { uasort($this->items, $callback); return $this; } public function...


-C "[email protected]"# Creates a new ssh key, using the provided email as a label# Generating public/private rsa key pair.# Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa): [Press enter...


xml> 大家看一看微信官方的代码 PHP SDK 示例:/** * 对明文进行加密 * @param string $text 需要加密的明文 * @return string 加密后的密文 */ public function encrypt($text, $appid) { try { //获得16位随机字符串,填充到明文之前 $random = $this->getRandomStr(); $text...


b enable-verity - re-enable dm-verity checking on USERDEBUG builds adb keygen <file> - generate adb public/private key. The private key is stored in <file>, and the public key is stored in <file>.pub. Any e...


url 的方式了。 下面的例子,使用 LMLPHP 做一个简单的 CURL POST 请求,发送头部 Cookie 并 提交数据,希望给大家带来帮助。代码系 LMLPHP 控制器中的节选片段,如下: public function curltestpost() { $headers = array("Cookie:lmlphp=yes"); $post_data = array("您好"); $ch = cu...

MySQL8 关闭 binlog

./#innodb_temp 36K./mysql 25M./mysql.ibd 1.5M./performance_schema 4.0K./private_key.pem 4.0K./public_key.pem 4.0K./server-cert.pem 4.0K./server-key.pem 84K./sys 12M./undo_001 12M./undo_002 view l...

ubuntu vps 搭建 VPN server

nVZ, you need to use iptables SOURCE like this: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j SNAT --to-source <Public Server IP> now restart pptpd by running: service pptpd restart that’s all. Now you should test the ...

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