V2 ray -> fly 说你什么好

ess outbound traffic > proxy/vmess/outbound: connection ends > proxy/vmess/outbound: failed to read header > proxy/vmess/encoding: failed to read response header > EOF ...


1923870630f9f4e289a20a3ff4788916fe535 (167/180) (6 seconds passed, remaining 0 predicted) Ref 'refs/heads/dev' was rewritten Ref 'refs/heads/master' was rewritten Ref 'refs/remotes/origin/master' was rewr...

MySQL 主从同步复制实现步骤

/ or mysqldump --databases db1 db2 --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --master-data > dump.db使用 vim 或者 head 查看主服务信息在 dump.db 文件中找出主服务的信息,日志文件和位置head -n 100 dump.db | less将数据传给从服务器将 dump.db 传给从服务器,然后导入到 mysql...


nch -av * dev 95109a3 ... fix-20161101 fe57263 ... master 2cd49d9 Merge branch 'dev' remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master remotes/origin/dev 95109a3 新增定时脚本 remotes/origin/feature-20161101 95109a3 新增定时脚本 r...

Ngx 反向代理 504 错误解决

} server { ... location /http/ { proxy_pass http://http_backend; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection ""; ... } 另一种方法,指定保持连接,不过不建议这样做。fastcgi_keep_conn on;关于 Nginx 代理详细配置,请看另一片文章《Nginx SSL...

Linode Maintance 前后 IO 对比以及深远影响

These maintenance windows cannot be altered, postponed, or rescheduled, and rebooting your Linode ahead of time will not remove the need for this maintenance. A 2-hour window is allocated, however, the a...


公司才能解决吗?苹果公司的核心竞争力是什么?拿一句最俗的话来回答那就是,世界没有了你,地球照样转,对于苹果公司也是,世界没有了苹果公司,该欢笑的欢笑该痛苦的痛苦。so,去做是第一步,just go ahead!...

红米 AX6 解锁以及 Clash 折腾记录

s://xn--m80a.ml/#/posts/2。很重要的一个链接 https://github.com/shell-script/unlock-redmi-ax3000/archive/refs/heads/master.zip 下载这个包,这个包里面有固件,有 wireless.sh,有后面的 SSH hack 固化,唯一没有的就是 Clash,所以第二个重要链接是:https://github.c...


tpRequest({ "method": "post", "url": "http://localdev.com:8080/store", "data": $.param({"a":"a"}), "headers":{"Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, "onload":function(r){ } }); })();...

V2ray Vmess + TLS + Nginx web 体验

"network": "ws", "security": "tls", "wsSettings": { "acceptProxyProtocol": false, "path": "/x", // "headers": { // "Host": "x.com" // }, "maxEarlyData": 1024 } } } ] server: "inbounds": [ { "port": x, "li...
2025-03-01 03:51:52 1740772312 0.005999