
maybe yes 发表于 2014-12-12 10:58



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英文歌Hayley Westenra《Blooming Flower》院内

maybe yes 发表于 2014-11-26 13:26


I see the river in the daylight

Glistening as it flows its way

在网上找了找,才知道是海莉·韦斯特娜的歌《Blooming Flower》。据说这首歌和周华健的《花心》同是翻唱自日本的一首歌,两首歌的旋律是一样的,都是日本人作曲。但是这首歌的歌词比《花心》更有韵味,喜欢的朋友可以听听,下面附上歌词。

Hayley Westenra - Blooming Flower
    I see the river in the daylight
    Glistening as it flows its way
    I see the people travelling
    Through the night and through the day
    I see their paths colliding
    Water drops and golden rays
    Flowers bloom oh flowers bloom
    On this blessed day
    Let the tears fall down
    Let the laughter through
    One day oh one day
    The flowers will reach full bloom

    I see your tears in the daylight
    Glistening as they fall from you
    I see your love escaping
    Flowing free and flowing true
    I want to make these rivers
    Into something shining new
    Let me make these flowers bloom
    Let me make them bloom for you
    Let the tears fall down
    Let the laughter through
    One day oh one day
    The flowers will reach full bloom

    I want to take you to the river
    Down to where the flowers grow
    I want to show you the beauty
    From our seedlings sown
    They shine in red and blue
    Butter coloured yellow glows
    Flowers bloomed oh flowers bloomed
    See how our love has grown
    Let the tears fall down
    Let the laughter through
    One day oh one day
    The flowers will reach full bloom
    Let the tears fall down
    Let the laughter through
    One day oh one day
    The flowers will reach full bloom


maybe yes 发表于 2014-11-25 23:39

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LMLJS 框架是 LML 团队打造的继 LMLPHP,WEBCHAT 之后的又一开源程序。LMLJS,为更少的等待而生。LMLJS 框架 GITHUB 地址:https://github.com/leiminglin/LMLJS,它遵循 MIT 开源协议,可以免费使用。LMLJS 框架实现了对图片,JS,CSS 等的延迟加载,内置 Deferred 对象、getElementsByClassName 方法、LoadJS 方法等,框架本身保持极小的体积(LMLJS 压缩后不足1KB),兼容 IE6 及以上系列浏览器和当今所有主流浏览器,在项目中官方还提供很多实用的 JS 功能库,并在不断更新中。使用 LMLJS 框架,让您的网站跑的更快。


maybe yes 发表于 2014-11-25 11:37





maybe yes 发表于 2014-11-25 00:02



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